It's been some time... but I haven't fallen off the face of the planet, or even down the side of the Europa Hotel... well, I did do that, but I had two ropes to stop me turning into mush at the bottom! The worst moment was right there, between the E and the U of Europa, between the roof and the drop. The "Does-my-bum-look-big-in-this-well-good-cos-I-need-all-the-padding-I-can-get" moment. The "eu" of Greek words usually means "good". Strange how you can be in the middle of goodness, and totally focussed on something else, not feeling anything resembling good! [Note to self: cheesy sermon illustration.] I bet EuRopa means Good Rope in Greek. No? Would be poetic, but unlikely, don't you think? A glance at wikipedia suggests "wide-eyed" is the etymology. That works too.
Aargh, it's way past my bedtime. I'm just too busy living to have time to blog. I hardly have time to read my friends' blogs. But I do have time to climb Cave hill with a friend, to write a hasty sermon, to tell endless stories to my daughter...
When I've finished that, and the PCI General Assembly, and chairing my Board meeting, I'll get back to you! (eventually... someday...soonish, perhaps...)
What I WILL take time to say is Thanks. I've been amazed by the generosity of those of you who sponsored my abseil for Habitat for Humanity NI. Let's be honest. I never thought I'd get anywhere near the target of £1235; but already we're at £800.
Now I believe it really might be possible to aim for the "house" (i.e. the average cost to HFH of building a house for/with a poor family in the developing world.) Your generosity increases my faith. Question is, what should I do to raise the other £400? Suggestions anyone?
How about we sponsor you to include words in your next sermon. £5 for a straightforward word; £10 for a more unusual one.
And £20 to include an object in a look-what-I've-got-in-my-bag children's address!
Or maybe not ...
There's bound to be a PWA (or should I say PW now?) who are dying for an excuse to host a coffee morning lol. Actually might be good some morning at a parents and toddlers group or something. My goodness, living in the country is having it's toll on me!
You could maybe arrange an end of school/start of summer bash for kids with games and crafts etc and charge a little entrance fee?
Sorry, I'm never good at fund raisers. Love Alan's idea though! I'm up for it!
I was thinking, perhaps you'd help me run a flower festival, Ruth... RUTH, come back! I'm only joking, honest!
Alan, I love this idea... Do you think I'd get heresy-trialled for that?
Yeah I'll definitely pass on the flower festival idea. But you could get people to give you some money for potting some plants for them... could be nice relaxing way to raise money
Re your etymology... You'd be wide eyed too if you were about to have a liaison with Zeus disguised as a bull!!!
Hmm... Not sure I want to think about that... The view from the Europa was quite an eyeful though.
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